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“I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people.”

-Maya Angelou



We are a collective of creatives out to create unique, diverse, exquisite and innovative entertainment that impacts the world for good.

Whether we’re creating a narrative feature, social justice media content, online content or a documentary, our goal is to produce captivating and engaging stories that inspire good will. It is also our mission to create an equitable filmmaking model that supports female creators and the marginalized communities we embrace.

We INSPIRE and UPLIFT people by creating and

curating captivating AUTHENTIC STORIES. People of Color

and marginalized voices are at the heart of these stories;

because it is through these

SHARED STORIES that we believe we can all become

BETTER versions of ourselves and IMPACT the world for good.



  • EASE the daunting nature of breaking into the entertainment industry for underrepresented filmmakers “above-the-line” and behind the camera.

  • PROVIDE thought-provoking and life-changing entertainment.

  • CREATE cultural diversity in our partnerships and productions.

  • BE socially and fiscally responsible to the environments and the communities we serve.